I want to be aesthetically pleasing. Don’t you? But when the world is screaming and tearing at us to be one way or another… who do we choose to be? I am heavy and light, bold and italic, intrinsic and extrinsic and infinite other things. And so are you. Lets begin…
Letter To The Reader:
Hey you! So you want to be aesthetically pleasing? So do I! This Blog is an experiment and exploration in aesthetics, all its applications, meanings, implications, philosophies and impact
We are all chasing an aesthetic, and if you are anything like me, there are infinite possibilities and callings on my life. But why be tied to one aesthetic? You and I are insanely complicated and intertwined beings, beyond comprehension to others and even to ourselves. We are ever-changing and ever-evolving, so let’s celebrate and get aesthetically pleasing! Read on and stay tuned for more content to come xx